“Auschwitz. Now.” to open in NZ Parliament


The Holocaust Foundation’s latest exhibition “Auschwitz. Now.” will open in Parliament next week. Sponsored by Hon Alfred Ngaro MP, the staging will be held in the Bowen House exhibition space.

An invitation-only event will be held on 2 March, attended by MPs and dignataries. Thereafter, public viewing will be possible Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-3pm through the month of March. Group bookings at other times may be possible. Please enquire.

“Auschwitz. Now.” consists of images of Auschwitz shot in 2019, black and white survivor portraits, and three minute Holocaust survivor stories. 500 attended the exhibition’s January launch at an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The exhibition includes stories not only from those who experienced Auschwitz but also from those who survived elsewhere, whether it be France, Serbia, or Tunisia. And, of course, many of the stories featured are from those who settled in New Zealand.


From J-Wire: MP's challenged at "Auschwitz. Now." opening at NZ Parliament


From Newsroom: NZ's Troubled Relationship With The Holocaust